On July 8, 2015, Ottawa City Council voted unanimously to ensure that there would be public toilets in the Bayview and Hurdman stations on the new Confederation Line. City staff were instructed to find the means to make this possible.
On September 2, 2015, the City’s powerful FEDCO Committee voted on the June 25 recommendation from the Information Technology Sub-Committee to develop an app showing the location, hours of operation and amenities at City-supported toilets (in parks, libraries, etc.)
The LRT motion – moved by Councillor McKenney and Councillor Nussbaum – reads:
WHEREAS the planning and construction of the O-Train’s Confederation Light Rail Transit Project Phase 1 is currently underway ; and WHEREAS tens of thousands of residents are expected to travel daily on LRT throughout the city, thereby reducing congestion; and
WHERE AS Bayview Station and Hurdman Station are the two key transfer points on the new Confederation Line; WHEREAS public washroom facilities have been shown to increase activity and advance equitable participation in society for all demographic groups;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council approve that Strategic Initiative 4 –Completion of the O-Train’s Confederation Light Rail Transit Projects (p. 19 of Appendix A) be amended to include the planning and construction of accessible, integrated public washrooms within the fare -gated areas of the Bayview and Hurdman stations, to be funded from the LRT project contingency budget or another budget source as recommended by staff, including private sector options; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to develop options for the provision of public washrooms within the fare -gated areas of these two stations for decision by the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Council before the end of Q4
Through a friendly amendment, staff are further directed to:
also provide information with respect to incorporating public washrooms in the Stage 2 LRT stations.