From the campaign, “Our Ottawa Needs Public Toilets”, GottaGo! & Art House present an interview series with the artists that won the 2021 art call-out asking for work that challenged negative perceptions about public toilets. Adriana Ciccone’s poem “Gotta Go” was selected as one of the winners. Please visit to see images of this poem.
Adriana Ciccone is a multigenre artist, musician and creator. She is the host of Hexon Bogan at CKCU fm and writer for the Ottawa Experimental Music facebook page. Ciccone was the former editor of Echoes and Dust. She is a single-mother and self-titled, “Crohn’s Fighter” living in Ottawa, Ontario. Check out Adriana’s radio show, Hexon Bogon, at…
GottaGo! Campaign advocates for a network of and signage to safe, clean and accessible public toilets in Ottawa. Check us out on twitter @GottaGoCampaign or visit
Art House brings the Ottawa arts scene together in a space where you can eat, drink, create, and learn. Since 2017, Art House has supported local artists through hosting community events and workshops, and exhibiting and promoting their work. Check us out on Instagram @arthousecafe613 or visit 555 Somerset St. West, Ottawa, ON or
Interviewer: Stephanie Taylor
Song: “I Just Need A Toilet” by Unsociably High